Sunday, September 11, 2022

02: The US Supreme Court

To better understand this blog, please read an overview about the Supreme Court created by the History Channel. Once you have read the overview, please feel free to keep reading and answer these questions along with me to see how our answers may differ. 

What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

I was not aware that the Justices were nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed or denied by the US Senate. I found this interesting that the people of the US didn't have any say in who the Justices would be. Technically they do, because they voted in the President and the Senate. 

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

The most important take-away in my opinion, is that the Chief Justice presides over trials of impeachment against the President of the United States. I find this very fascinating and scary. That is a lot of power to have and I know that it does not happen often, it is still a lot of power. 

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

Since the first court of six Justices, congress has altered the number of Supreme Court seats from a low of 5 and a high of 10, until 1869, when Congress set the number of seat to nine and it has remained that way ever since. 

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

After watching the video linked in the overview, I have a higher respect for the Supreme Court. The Justices are appointed for life and can only be removed by impeachment. That is a lot of time, stress, and devotion to the United States of America. 

I hope you had a good time reading about the Supreme Court and comparing the differences and/or similarities in our answers to these questions. 

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